Sunday, August 25, 2013

Flipped Classroom

So Theresa Trevino is credited with giving me that push to join her in crediting flipped classroom lessons.
Here is the link to her Rummel Creek team blog: 2nd Rummel Creek Elementary

I love how she shared her behind the scenes preparations this summer.  Flip Take 2

I am consuming all the info out there about flipped learning.  I plan to join a MOOC to help me understand and design online lessons.  How to Teach Online by Greg Walker
I want to create those white board with black markers type videos.  That would eliminate my photos!  I wish I had been a teacher in the 1980s when I was a 20 something year old, but I guess the whole internet thing wasn't happening yet, anyway. 

Here is a great "How To" video on flipping the classroom: I Flip You Flip We All Flip
 Something he emphasized was having a green screen to aid in creating interesting backgrounds.  Last year I experimented with green screens made from butcher paper.  Perhaps it was too dark a green, or the iPad wasn't the greatest choice of cameras, but the backgrounds were all sketchy and blotchy.  I will experiment with better cameras.

So I'm trying to keep up with Theresa, which is impossible, but I might just be able to contribute in my own way.  I can see a pitfall in showing some of her videos to my class is that my school might not have the same manipulatives.  I noticed students are expected to have individual sets of  ten frame "dominoes".  We just have one class set, but I could combine sets for a small group activity, or I could make paper sets. I just need to be prepared.

I also could change subjects and create lessons for language arts.

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